Let's Close the gap between PEOPLE and care
Humana, one of the nation's largest health insurers, wanted to help fix a broken healthcare system. We found that there was a big gap between the care people deserved and the one they were getting. Our campaign acknowledged the problem and showed how Humana was already in the process to fix it. It aimed to show, the scale of the transformation while displaying Humana's commitment to simplifying healthcare and their allegiance to their customers.
On the digital space, we created a brand hub, aside from the main operational and functional site, that hosts brand content illustrating the future of healthcare, the transformation of the company and communities all over the nation.
Health + Care
One of the main initiatives upon launch was this piece of content. With a simple social experiment that proved that 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. To show what nightmare healthcare had become, we interviewed people and asked them to unknowingly prove our point.